JeevanData Community, Mumbai –Since 1963
In 1961 our sisters bought a plot of land measuring about 11 acres at Andheri East along Mahakali Road.
Some of the sister had begun staying in Mumbai, initially at Gyan – Ashram (SVD center) and later moved to the convent of the little sisters of the poor in order to look after the official matters such as purchase of land, building etc. In July 1961 Sr. Regulinda took charge of looking after the property and Society matters.
On 7th of December 1963, the solemn ceremony of laying of the foundation for the hospital was held. As soon as a portion of the building was ready sisters began the health care ministry. A 150 bed Hospital named Holy Spirit Hospital and was solemnly inaugurated by Cardinal Gracias, the Arch bishop of Mumbai, on 14th of January 1967.
The Goals of the hospital are –
THE MOTTO -‘Service in Love.”
To provide cost effective and affordable health care facilities to all the people of this area especially to the poor.
To provide preventive and curative health care for the needy.
Today Holy Spirit Hospital, in its different phases of expansion, has expanded its health care services considerably. Presently it is a 350 bedded multi specialty hospital with 26 bed ICU/ICCU and a well-equipped Cancer Diagnostic Center
It also offers post graduate courses in different discipline like General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology – obstetrics, pediatrics etc since 2005.
The Hospital started a School of Nursing in 1997 and a college of nursing in 2005 for women.
It continues to have the alcoholic anonymous programs once a week, which commenced almost 18 years ago and is attended by 50-60 members. Together with A.A meetings there is also a co-fellowship of the al-Anon attended by the women – folk of the alcoholics who share their days of pain and strength with one another.
The patients also receive spiritual strength and support from the Chaplain who visits them daily and prays for them. Psychological guidance and counseling are provided by the councilor who visits the hospital daily. Special attention is paid to the patients of HIV/AIDS, their relatives and those who take care of them through counseling.
The hospital has a medical team of doctors and nurses and a social worker who daily visits the slum areas around the hospital and conducts clinics, and health education in prevention of diseases and hygiene, they also conduct health education programs in schools. Cases which cannot be treated in the clinics is brought to the hospital and treated.
Recently the hospital was awarded for its outstanding services to the poor and the needy by the Catholic Shaba of Bombay.
Convent of Holy Spirit (Provincial House) , Bangalore – Since 1970
Convent of the Holy Spirit was established in the year 1970 as the Regional house. It is the provincial house of the INS province since 1983. Besides,
Aspirants, Novices and Juniors.
Right from the beginning the sisters reached out to the neighborhood and provided medical services and education in Kalena Agrahara and surrounding areas. Later the dispensary from Kalena Agrahara was shifted to the convent campus.
Later on, ministry with the marginalized Dalits particularly women and children was taken up and a Social Work Center called Chinthana was opened in the dispensary premises on July 1987. Today Chinthana Center of the Daily Movement works independently.
Reading the signs of the time the sisters of this community got involved in the teaching apostate by offering service at Loyola Primary School of the Jesuits from 1999 to 2005, and in Loyola High School since 1982 to 2002.
In the year 2002, with the newly constructed Holy Spirit School in the Convent campus we started our educational institution, which is presently running up to P.U College providing ICSE and state syllabus to the students.
Thus this House once exclusively meant for the Sisters and their formation gradually opened its doors to various other activities and apostates like Home Care, Migrants and Street Children.
Ashadeep Tala

Pavitratma Sadan, Pattencheru: Established in 1987
Pattencheru community was born as a branch community of Velvarthy in 1986. The Sisters began their work living in two rooms
in the SVD school. On 22nd April 1994, they shifted to a new convent building where they are living presently.
The original vision of this community was:
• To collaborate with our SVD brethren in their mission.
• To evangelize through education ministry,
• To identify anonymous Catholics working in different factories,
• To reach out to the nearby villages and provide preventive and medical facilities for them, and
• To run Balwadi, a school for the drop-outs.
Today, the convent serves as a formation community for the candidacy stage of formation and a Nursery class is also run there after which they are admitted in St. Joseph’s School run by the SVDs where when there is a vacancy; one of our sisters also teach. The Sisters are also involved in pastoral work, teaching Catechism and family visits. Besides this, from August 1, 2006, to the end of the academic year, in collaboration with the SVD at Divine Retreat Centre, Muthangi, our Sisters and Candidates took care of the rag pickers’ children.
Thus our various ministries here not only provides an educational experience for the children but also gives the Candidates ample opportunities to interact with our target groups right from their initial stage of formation.
Arul Oli Ilam, Kalayarkoil –Since 1988
“Arul” means “grace”. It is also another name for ‘John’ and is associated with Saint John de Britto. “Oli” means “light” and “Illam” means “house”; therefore, Arul Oli Ilam is a house of light and grace.
The Sisters began their mission in Kalayarkoil in a rented house on 04 June 1990.
Reaching out … through Education and Pastoral Ministry
Through the school, the Sisters have expanded their contacts with the people and are involved in working with the youth, women and children of the parish. Our work includes preparing children for the Sacraments, couples for marriage, teaching catechism, conducting prayer services and Bible classes in the neighboring villages, and animating the youth and women groups. Vocation promotion camps are conducted where girls have an opportunity to come to know about our Congregation.
Kripalaya Convent, Pernal –Since 1989
Kripalaya Convent, Pernal,the first house in Mangalore, was blessed by the Vicar General Msgr. Aloysius D’ Souza on 1st August 1989 in the presence of many

Holy Spirit Convent, Kuchipudi-1993
Established in 1993, Diocese of Vijayawada
Kuchipudi is a small town about 60 km away from Vijayawada.
A parish had been erected there in 1992 with a great scope for evangelization.
As we entered the mission here, our focus and task was to make Christ known and loved and to provide educational opportunity by starting an English medium school there.
The place is also famous for a special type of Indian dance known as Kuchipudi dance.
The school demonstrates consistently excellent performance in academics and provides extra-curricular activities such as social, cultural, physical etc.
From 1998 inwards our sisters have been involved in Andhra Pradesh Service Society (APSS) which caters to empowering women. The collaborative work with women and APSS included the formation of MahilaMandals in twelve villages where more than eight hundred women participated in the program. Issues of health problems, Social evils related to women, the subservient role of women, women and family life and society were addressed.
The SSpS involvement in this ministry was discontinued due to lack of personnel and risks, However, after discerning the felt need of reaching out to women still more, in 2004, the Sisters began collaboration with the BalaVikasa movement. , the thrust being woman empowerment and social reform. More than one thousand in eighty groups were involved. Due to certain unavoidable circumstances and lack of personnel, the Balavikasa has been discontinued here since 2009.
Helena Seva Sadan, Pamboor –Since 1995
This house is specially for mentally retarded children. The sisters keep up the original vision which was to commit themselves through love
Atmadhara, Pune – Since 1995
The Foundation stone for the house was laid in April 1993, and was inaugurated on April 20, 1995.The original idea was to have a house
in Pune in view of sending our sisters for theological training to JnanaDeepaVidyapith.
Over the years, the sisters in the community are involved in weekend ministries such as teaching the street children, caring for HIV/AIDS patients, rendering a compassionate approach to the commercial sex workers, and bringing hope into the lives of the destitute and the less privileged.
Twenty five years ago in 1981, the co-founders of Streevani, Fr. E. Zeitler SVD and Dr. Frances Yasas, a former official of the United nations, initiated a process of Conscientization to enable women religious to find their voice in the Church. The center is known as Streevani works for the integral liberation of Women
Streevani has grown over the years and since 2002 it co-ordinates and works on the national level for the empowerment of Women Religious through various courses and projects. The SVD handed over the management of Streevani to SSpS sisters in 2003.
Keeping up the original vision of the Founders the sisters and the staff at Streevani conscientiously work for the empowerment of Women religious as well as for those at the grass root level, particularly those living in the surrounding villages.

Maria Sadan Convent, Periyapatna –Since 1998
The Maria Sadan Convent came into existence at Periyapatna on September 13, 1998 in the diocese of Mysore.
The thrust of the hospital is to provide necessary care and treatment to all categories of people regardless of their financial status and also to reach out to the rural areas where the medical facilities are not available.
St. Mary’s Hospital provides health care services to promote quality of life to the poor and the needy.
Pavitratma Convent, Valigonda-Since 1998
The Pavitratma Convent in Valigonda, in the Diocese of Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, opened on the 15 th August 1998.
as an off-shoot of Velvarthy community.
The Kinder Garten section of the school had been already begun in 1992 by Velvarthy community close to Valigondacentre. On receiving frequent requests from people for higher classes, the Bishop of Nalgonda requested our sisters to consider the possibility of starting a school with higher classes.
Besides, when the number of students also increased rapidly, it became evident that a proper school was a necessity. So a new School building was constructed and in 1998 it began to function as the Primary and High school for both girls and boys known as Pavitratma English medium School in Valigonda, about two km away from Valigondacentre, on Thorur Road, having Mandal Office and Police station in its vicinity. Accordingly in 1998, a new community was established here who used the hall in the basement of the new school as their Convent, but the Convent still belonged to Velvarthy Parish.
A new Convent was constructed almost adjacent to the school premises and the Sisters moved into it in April 2003.
The vision, mission and goals were both educational and pastoral :
• To make known the values of Christ through education,
• To give educational facilities
• To provide hostel facilities to children coming from remote areas
• To go occasionally to other sub-stations and to care for the church and parishioners there.
Maria Sadan, Shikaripur – Since 2002
The Pavitratma Convent in Valigonda, in the Diocese of Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh, opened on the 15 th August 1998.
The Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit came to Shikaripura on 24th May 2004 at the request of Shimoga Bishop Rt. Rev. Gerald Issac Lobo We were invited to extend quality education in the already existing Kannada medium Upper primary school and also to provide socio/pastoral care and services.
We do work in close collaboration with the diocesan social service society, which reaches out to the poor and marginalized of this diocese. Through the self-help groups, leadership of women is emphasized, and different developmental activities are taken up for the women. Awareness is created regarding equality, dignity and improved quality of life among the marginalized women.
. Pastoral work in the parish is another important area where we reach out. Faith formation is given much importance. Visits to sub stations, family visits, Sunday catechism, preparation for the sacraments, work with the youth through young Catholic students group, training of catholic women leaders, assisting in building small Christian communities are some of the activities.

Holy Spirit Senior Citizen Home, Bangalore –Since 2006
January 15, 2006 marked the completion of the construction of the Holy Spirit Home, a home for senior citizens.
Though the beginnings were slow, there has been an ever increase in the number of inmates. The purpose of this house is to cater the elderly providing them quality care.
There are about 20 senior citizens with us. A few others have already left for their eternal reward. The seniors receive physical, psychological, recreational, and spiritual care as needed.
Holy Spirit Convent, Pilathara – Since 2006
Holy Spirit Convent in Pilathara is the second venture in the State of Kerala, where many of our sisters come from.
Plethara is a small town situated on the National Highway in the district of Kannur, in the northern part of Kerala. We have purchased 89 cents of land here in December 2004; with the intention to extend our presence in this area.
In May 2006 Sr. Felcy Chacko and Rose Thomas were appointed to initiate the mission here. During this period they were accommodated in the staff quarters of Pariyarum Medical college, where Sr. Felcy was teaching. In June 2007 we had the community of four sisters. The construction of the new convent was commenced in June 2007, and was blessed by Rt. Rev. Dr. Varghese Chakalakel Bishop of Kannur on April 12th 2008.
At present the sisters in the community there, are involved in teaching in the Lourdes Nursing College at Thaliparamba, Diocesan school at Pilathara, counseling in De-addiction center run by the SVDs and Pastoral Care etc.
Holy Spirit Children’s Home, Bangalore – Since 2006
Holy Spirit Children’s Home, came into existence in May 2006 in our Provincial house campus to educate particularly the girl children
The ministry would cater to deserving female children like street children, single parent children, children of prisoners, economically very poor children or children who are victims of natural calamities.
This ministry wasstaeted in collaboration with Don Bosco Center for Street Children, Bangalore. Later it was taken up by the province alone. The blessing and inauguration of Holy Spirit Children’s Home took place on July 26, 2006 –on the feast of Sts. Joachim and Ann. An existing shed in the campus was remodeled beautifully to make into a Children’s Home. At the start of the academic year, the children were enrolled in Holy Spirit School.
Here Children get tutored, trained in house work, cleanliness and given opportunities to display their talents in singing, dancing, arts and play. Today, the Holy Spirit Children’s Home is an extended community of CHS with two Sisters and 35 street children.

DEEPALAYA , Gulbarga . – Since 2008
Gulbarga community was established on 31 May 2008
VISION: Being rooted in the Trinity we strive to build community of communion to reach out to the people entrusted to our care by being bearers of Christ for the transformation and wholeness of the lesser privileged.
12th December 2010, the day eagerly awaited had come. We stood witnessing the blessing of our new house in a simple ceremony.
“Anugraha” means Grace or Blessing. It provides a conducive atmosphere to the elderly and sick Sisters who require medical care. Besides, it is also a home for the SSpS sisters from all the four Indian provinces who seek medical treatments well as a transit house for our overseas Missionaries, and a formation house for our student sisters.
At present this community consists of sisters which includes the sick, the aged, the retired and some students belonging to different Provinces of India who are studying in our nursing Institute or outside. Besides the services already mentioned above, we also do pastoral service in the hospital and in the parish, teach Catechism, get involved in the service for the Migrant workers who come from all over India and Prison ministry, visit the sick and pray for them, Vocation promotion, Holy Spirit Association wherein we do various activities along with them, visit families, Conduct SCC meetings, conduct tuition for the needy. Most of the sisters help out in the healing ministry. May God be praised!
Begining of Ekamba Mission in Bidar district, Karnataka-2015
A new mission in Ekamba, Bidar District in Karnataka was begun on the 11th of July 2015 in response to the need of