Greetings, beloved readers, from the radiant heart of the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS)! Today, we invite you to step into the enchanting tapestry of our journey, a journey that began with St. Arnold Janssen’s visionary call on December 8th, 1889, in the Netherlands
A Universal Mission, A Global Family
From the picturesque landscapes of Europe, our mission has expanded across five continents, spanning 52 countries. The echoes of our service first resonated in the vibrant tapestry of India in 1933, and today, our 57 communities across 18 states continue to respond to the evolving needs of society with unwavering dedication.
Living as One, Responding as Many
As Missionary Sisters, we are more than just a community; we are a living testament to the divine. Our existence is the extension of God’s presence on Earth. Each one of us holds a unique task: to bring ‘God Alive’ in the tapestry of our shared humanity. Our response to the frontiers of human need is a commitment to reveal the compassionate face of God in the world today
Dare to Be the Difference, Be God’s Ambassador
We extend an earnest invitation to you, dear reader, to join us on this sacred odyssey. Become an ambassador of God’s boundless love, a stakeholder in His divine enterprise. Can you hear the gentle whispers of God calling you? If the answer is yes, then delay no more. Dare to be different in your response to this divine invitation
Spread the Joy of the Gospel
In this sacred calling, we find joy that transcends all understanding. We beckon you to be part of this transformative mission, to spread the joy of the Gospel in a world thirsting for love and understanding. Your journey as a Missionary Sister Servant of the Holy Spirit awaits
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